4 session coaching program


Coaching program comprising four individual 90-minute coaching sessions on Zoom and in-between support for when you want clarity, help and guidance with a specific area of your art career and business.

Use for 4 x weekly sessions, 4 x fortnightly sessions,  4 x monthly sessions or a combination. It’s flexible to your needs.

For amazing support, when you commit to a coaching program of at least four sessions, you also get a private space inside ‘the lounge’ for accountability and in-between session support plus access to the lounge communal area with resources and community for the duration of your program.

Artists enrolled in SSP, please use your VIP coupon at checkout to get your exclusive insider discount on coaching program add ons.


Individual Coaching Program to Reset and Focus
You may not know what the best next steps are, or you have a plan but need someone to work with you to sort out some aspect of your business – from strategy to goals, from tech to marketing, from mindset to making it bigger, or something else.

Let’s get you going so that you can take the next step in your art business and art career.

Who is this for?

This is ideal for artists who aren’t exactly sure what steps to take next and want to get some clear business guidance to identify what’s next. Also for artists who have a good foundation but need support in certain areas. Can include some co-creation.

What’s Included?

Three sessions over three to six weeks

  • Four (4) weekly, bi-weekly or monthly 90-minute coaching sessions
  • A coaching journal
  • Access to downloadable resources
  • PLUS Access to ‘the lounge’ for the duration of your program to meet and connect with other artists and access additional resources (24/7 access)
  • PLUS Your own private space inside the lounge for in-between session support and accountability for a maximum of 4 months.

All you’ll need:

One to three areas you want to focus on i.e. your online presence, mailing list, exhibiting etc. Or I can help you determine these on our first call,
A desire to learn and try new things
Access to Zoom
Being open and present

$1400 AUD paid in full

Inclusive of GST for Australian residents
Payable as 2 x $710 monthly payments. Please email support@theartistsubsinesslounge.com for the payment link

Submit an Expression of Interest and we will organise a complimentary call before you commit.

If you are enrolled in SSP, use your insider VIP coupon to get your discount